Assembly Language Program to Print Date,Time and Day of the week

;Pratyush kotturu
;Started: March 1st 2007
;Last Modified: March 9th 2007

.STACK    200h

; Constants and Variable Declarations

AsciiOut DB        5 DUP (‘ ‘) ; Output area for To_Ascii procedure

; Display Messages

saveday db ?
twelve db 4

daystab db ‘Sun$  ‘, site ‘Mon$  ‘
db ‘Tue$  ‘, cialis ‘Wed$  ‘
db ‘Thu$  ‘, hospital ‘Fri$  ‘
db ‘Sat$  ‘

Msg1   DB      0DH,0AH,0Dh,0Ah,’************************’
DB        ‘************************************’,0Dh,0Ah,0Dh,0Ah
DB        ‘   Hello -I am’
DB        ‘ Pratyush kotturu & class ID # 28′
DB        0Dh,0Ah
DB        13,10,’**************************’
DB        ‘***********************************’
DB        ‘$’

Msg2     DB        13,10,’   The Current Date is :  ‘
MsgMon   DB        2 DUP (‘ ‘) ; month
DB        ‘/’
MsgDay   DB        2 DUP (‘ ‘) ; day
DB        ‘/’
MsgYear  DB        4 DUP (‘ ‘) ; edited year
DB        0Dh,0Ah
DB        13,10,’**************************’
DB        ‘***********************************’
DB        ‘$’

Msg3     DB       13,10, ‘ The Current Time is: ‘
MsgHr    DB        2 DUP (‘ ‘) ; Hour
DB        ‘:’
MsgMin   DB        2 DUP (‘ ‘) ; Minute
DB        ‘:’
MsgSec   DB        2 DUP (‘ ‘) ; Second
DB        ‘ ‘
AmPm     DB        2 DUP (‘ ‘) ; AM or PM
DB       0DH,0AH,0Dh,0Ah
DB   ‘$’
Msg4     DB       0DH,0AH,0Dh,0Ah
DB       13,10, ‘  Today is : ‘
DB       ‘$’

MsgAgain DB        0DH,0AH,0Dh,0Ah; cr,lf
DB        ‘Press t to update time, d for date, w for day and enter to exit. ‘
DB         0DH,0AH,0Dh,0Ah
DB        ‘$’

MsgEnd   DB        13,10,13,10 ; cr,lf,cr,lf
DB        ‘   Thank You – Have a Nice Day!’,13,10
DB        ‘   Press the Enter Key to End’,13,10
DB        2 DUP (13,10)  ; 2 cr,lf
DB        ‘$’

;        Area to input data for the Keyboard

KbBuff   DB      3           ; max no of input chars
; ( +1 for the enter key)
KbNoRead DB      0           ; No of chars actualy read
; This field is returned
; ( the enter key don’t count)
KbIn1    DB      ‘ ‘         ; room for char 1
KbIn2    DB      ‘ ‘         ; room for char 2
KbIn3    DB      ‘ ‘         ; room for char 3
KbEntKey DB      ‘ ‘         ; room for the enter key (0Dh)


;The Main Program

Main   PROC                  ; Start the MAIN Procedure
mov       ax,@data    ; Set up the DS Reg
mov       ds,ax

call      ClrScreen   ; Clear the screen
call      PrtMsg      ; Print to the screen

;call      ClrScreen   ; Clear the screen
call      PrtMsg_T    ; Print to the screen
call      ReadKB      ; Read from the Keyboard
cmp       KbIn1,’t’   ; Did they enter a t?
je        DoAgain     ; True – Then do it again

call      ClrScreen   ; Clear the screen
call      PrtMsg_D     ; Print to the screen
call      ReadKB      ; Read from the KB
cmp       KbIn2,’d’   ; Did they enter a d?
je        DoAgain     ; True – Then do it again

call      ClrScreen   ; Clear the screen
call      PrtWDay      ; Print to the screen
call      ReadKB      ; Read from the KB
cmp       KbIn3,’w’   ; Did they enter a w?
je        DoAgain     ; True – Then do it again

call      ClrScreen   ; Clear the screen
call      PrtEnd      ; Print the ending message

;        End the Program and return to the Operating System

mov       ax,4C00h    ; load ah and al
int       21h         ; tell OS to end the prog

Main     ENDP                ; End of the MAIN Procedure

ClrScreen   Proc             ; Procedure to clear the screen

push      ax          ; Save all registers used in this proc
push      bx
push      cx
push      dx

;        call BIOS to Clear the Screen

mov       ah,6        ; Clear the screen command
mov       al,0        ; clear the whole screen
mov       ch,0        ; Start X Cord.
mov       cl,0        ; Start Y Cord.
mov       dh,24       ; End X Cord.
mov       dl,79       ; End Y Cord.
mov       bh,7        ; Clear to normal Attributes
int       10h         ; BIOS interrupt

;        Set the cursor to line 1 position 1

mov       ah,2        ; Set Cursor command
mov       dh,1        ; row 1
mov       dl,1        ; column 1
mov       bh,0        ; page 0
int       10h         ; BIOS interrupt

pop       dx          ; Restore all registers
pop       cx
pop       bx
pop       ax
ret                   ; Returned from the called proc
ClrScreen  ENDP

PrtMsg   PROC                ; Write the message to the screen
push      ax          ; Save all registers
push      bx
push      cx
push      dx

;        Call OS to Print the Message
mov       dx,OFFSET Msg1
mov       ah,9h       ; Function code for display string
int       21h         ; call OS to do it

pop       dx          ; Restore all registers
pop       cx
pop       bx
pop       ax
PrtMsg   ENDP

PrtMsg_D   PROC               ; Write the message to the screen
push      ax          ; Save all registers
push      bx
push      cx
push      dx

;        Call OS to Print the Message
; mov       dx,OFFSET Msg2
; mov       ah,9h       ; Function code for display string
; int       21h         ; call OS to do it

;          Compose the date message
call      GetDate     ; Read and Format the Date

mov       dx,OFFSET Msg2
mov       ah,9h       ; Function code for display string
int       21h         ; call OS to do it
pop       dx          ; Restore all registers
pop       cx
pop       bx
pop       ax
PrtMsg_D   ENDP

PrtMsg_T  PROC                ; Write the message to the screen
push      ax          ; Save all registers
push      bx
push      cx
push      dx

;          Compose the  time message

call      GetTime     ; Get the current time of Day.

mov       dx,OFFSET Msg3
mov       ah,9h       ; Function code for display string
int       21h         ; call OS to do it
pop       dx          ; Restore all registers
pop       cx
pop       bx
pop       ax
PrtMsg_T   ENDP

PrtWDay proc
push      ax          ; Save all registers
push      dx

;        Call OS to Print the Message
mov       dx,OFFSET Msg4
mov       ah,9h       ; Function code for display string
int       21h         ; call OS to do it

mov    ah,2Ah
int    21h
mov    saveday,dl
call   b10daywk
pop       dx          ; Restore all registers
pop       ax


b10daywk proc near

mul  twelve
lea  dx,daystab
add dx,ax
mov ah,09h            ;request display
int 21h               ;call interrupt service
b10daywk endp

PrtEnd   PROC                ; Print the ending message
push      ax          ; Save all registers
push      bx
push      cx
push      dx

;        call OS to Print the Message
mov       dx,OFFSET MsgEnd
mov       ah,9h       ; Function code for display string
int       21h         ; call OS to do it

;        call OS to read any character from the keyboard

mov       ah,0Ah      ; Read keyboard function
mov       dx,offset KbBuff ; the input area
int       21h         ; Call OS to do it

pop       dx          ; Restore all registers
pop       cx
pop       bx
pop       ax
PrtEnd   ENDP

GetTime  PROC

;        GetTime will read the current time from the system and
;        convert it to Ascii characters.  If the Hour is 00 to 11,
;        it will insert “AM” in AmPm. If the hour = 12 it will
;        insert “PM”. If the Hour is 13 to 23 it will insert “PM”
;        and subtract 12 from Hour.

;        It will move the Hour to MsgHour (2 digits), minutes to MsgMinutes
;          (2 digits), and seconds to MsgSec (2 digits).

push      ax          ; Save all registers
push      bx
push      cx
push      dx

mov       ah,2Ch      ; get the current time
int       21h

;On return – Hour in CH – Minute in CL – Sec in DH – 1/100 Sec in DL

;Set up the AM/PM Message

mov       AmPm,’P’    ; move PM to the message
mov       AmPm+1,’M’
cmp       ch,12       ; compare the hour to 12
je        AmPm_Ok     ; hour = 12 – just print it
ja        IsPM        ; hour > 12 – print PM and sub 12 from the hour
mov       AmPm,’A’    ; hour < 12 – move in AM
jmp       AmPm_Ok


sub      ch,12       ; sub 12 hours


;       Convert the hours to Ascii

mov       al,ch        ; move the hour to AX
mov       ah,0         ; clear the high order of the reg
call      To_Ascii     ; convert it to characters

;        Hours will be in AsciiOut in the form 000HH.

mov       al,AsciiOut+3 ; get the fourth digit
mov       MsgHr,al      ; save the first digit
mov       al,AsciiOut+4 ; get the fifth digit
mov       MsgHr+1,al    ; save the second digit

;        Convert the minutes to Ascii

mov       al,cl         ; move the minutes to AX
mov       ah,0          ; clear the high order of the reg
call      To_Ascii      ; convert it to characters

;        Minutes will be in AsciiOut in the form 000MM.

mov       al,AsciiOut+3 ; get the fourth digit
mov       MsgMin,al     ; save the first digit
mov       al,AsciiOut+4 ; get the fifth digit
mov       MsgMin+1,al   ; save the second digit

;        Convert the seconds to Ascii

mov       al,dh         ; move the seconds to AX
mov       ah,0          ; clear the high order of the reg
call      To_Ascii      ; convert it to characters
; Seconds will be in AsciiOut in the form 000SS.

mov       al,AsciiOut+3 ; get the fourth digit
mov       MsgSec,al     ; save the first digit
mov       al,AsciiOut+4 ; get the fifth digit
mov       MsgSec+1,al   ; save the second digit

pop       dx            ; Restore all registers
pop       cx
pop       bx
pop       ax

GetTime  ENDP

GetDate  PROC

;        GetDate will read the current date from the system and
;        convert it to Ascii characters.  It will then move the
;        Year to MsgYear (4 digits), the Month to MsgMonth (2 digits)
;        and the Day to MsgDay (2 digits).

push      ax             ; Save all registers
push      bx
push      cx
push      dx

mov       ah,2Ah         ; get the current date
int       21h

;        Convert the Year from Binary to ASCII

mov       ax,cx          ; move the year to AX
call      To_Ascii       ; convert it to characters

;        Year will be in AsciiOut in the form 0YYYY.

mov       al,AsciiOut+1  ; get the 1st digit
mov       MsgYear,al     ; move it to the message area
mov       al,AsciiOut+2  ; get the second digit
mov       MsgYear+1,al   ; save the second digit
mov       al,AsciiOut+3  ; get the third digit
mov       MsgYear+2,al   ; save the third digit
mov       al,AsciiOut+4  ; get the fourth digit
mov       MsgYear+3,al   ; save the fourth digit

;        Convert the Month from Binary to ASCII

mov       al,dh          ; move the month to AX
mov       ah,0           ; clear the high order of the reg
call      To_Ascii       ; convert it to characters

;        Month will be in AsciiOut in the form 000MM.

mov       al,AsciiOut+3  ; get the fourth digit
mov       MsgMon,al      ; save the first digit
mov       al,AsciiOut+4  ; get the fifth digit
mov       MsgMon+1,al    ; save the second digit

;        Convert the Day from Binary to ASCII

mov       al,dl          ; move the day to AX
mov       ah,0           ; clear the high order of the reg
call      To_Ascii       ; convert it to characters

;        Day will be in AsciiOut in the form 000DD.

mov       al,AsciiOut+3  ; get the fourth digit
mov       MsgDay,al      ; save the first digit
mov       al,AsciiOut+4  ; get the fifth digit
mov       MsgDay+1,al    ; save the second digit

pop       dx             ; Restore all registers
pop       cx
pop       bx
pop       ax
GetDate  ENDP


To_Ascii  PROC

;        To_Ascii – Proc to take an unsigned binary value located in the
;        AX Reg and convert it to a string of printable ASCII characters.
;        The results are placed in AsciiOut (5 bytes in length).

push      ax         ; Save all registers
push      bx
push      cx
push      dx
push      si

mov       cx,5       ; number of out put characters
mov       si,4       ; Index value to ASCIIOut
mov       bx,10      ; value to divide by

mov       dx,0       ; clear dx for divide
div       bx         ; divide by 10
add       dx,30h     ; convert remainder to ascii
mov       AsciiOut[si],dl   ; move the char to the output
dec       si         ; sub 1 from the index
loop      Ascii_Loop ; do it 5 times

pop       si         ; Restore all registers
pop       dx
pop       cx
pop       bx
pop       ax
To_Ascii ENDP

ReadKB   PROC               ; Read characters from the Key Board

push      ax         ; Save all registers
push      bx
push      cx
push      dx

;        call OS to Print the Message

mov       dx,OFFSET MsgAgain
mov       ah,9h       ; Function code for display string
int       21h         ; call OS to do it

;        call OS to read the input from the keyboard

mov       ah,0Ah      ; Read keyboard function
mov       dx,offset KbBuff ; the input area
int       21h         ; Call OS to do it

pop       dx          ; Restore all registers
pop       cx
pop       bx
pop       ax

END       main

March 12, 2007 · Pratyush · Comments Closed
Posted in: Tech