Open Source Mac… My Fav .APP’s….

I use lots of Open Source Stuff in my Mac Book… I thought, generic why don’t i help others, medical to get the benefits from Opensource .APP’s …


has the .APP’s i use…

I Use

1) Insomnia ( Mac sleep option modifier- Now i can still hear itunes although i close the desktop)

2) Menu Meters ( CPU/Memory/Network Meter)

3) KisMac (wifi finder)

4) Burn ( My DVD/CD Burner)

5) Transmission (Torrent Downloader)

6) MonoLingual …( Damn..this really saved my Disk about 4.2 GB).

7) Chicken of the VNC (VNC Viewer)

8) Smultron (Text editor)

9) X-Chat Aqua ( IRC-Client)

Other Open Source stuff i use :

1) AqaMacs Emacs Editor

2) 2.2

3) Mozilla Firefox

4) VLC player

October 6, 2007 В· Pratyush В· Comments Closed
Tags:  В· Posted in: Tech